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Irrawaddy River Cruises November 2024

Save up to 50% on Irrawaddy River Cruises November 2024

Irrawaddy Travel Guide

Set sail on an Irrawaddy River cruise to explore the heart and soul of Myanmar. This majestic river, flowing from north to south through Myanmar, offers a unique view of the country's rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes. As you cruise down the Irrawaddy, also known as the Ayeyarwady, you'll witness the daily life of local communities, ancient cities, and remarkable pagodas that define Myanmar's unique identity. The river takes you through significant locations like Mandalay, with its royal palaces, and Bagan, known for its awe-inspiring temple plains. The contrast between bustling river ports and serene rural landscapes provides an enchanting backdrop to your journey. The Irrawaddy isn't just a route; it's a thread that weaves together the cultural and historical tapestry of Myanmar. From witnessing traditional fishing methods to exploring ancient Buddhist sites, an Irrawaddy River cruise offers an unparalleled blend of adventure, tranquility, and cultural immersion. It's a journey that takes you beyond the usual tourist paths into the heart of Myanmar's timeless beauty and charm. With river cruise volume buys plus our low everyday prices you can save up to 50% versus the brochure price! Book your Irrawaddy river cruise today with AffordableTours.com, your discounted river cruise headquarters.

Irrawaddy Travel Guide

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Irrawaddy Travel Guide

Irrawaddy River Cruises Highlights

  • Mandalay: As Myanmar's second-largest city and a major cultural center, Mandalay is often the starting or ending point of an Irrawaddy cruise. It's known for the Mandalay Palace, the royal residence of the last Burmese monarchy, and the Mahamuni Buddha Temple. The city's bustling markets and traditional workshops, where crafts like gold leaf and tapestry are made, are also worth exploring.
  • Mandalay Palace and Hill: The last royal palace of the Burmese monarchy in Mandalay offers a glimpse into the country's regal past, while a climb up Mandalay Hill rewards you with panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside.
  • Bagan: Bagan is renowned for its vast plain of more than 2,000 Buddhist temples, pagodas, and monasteries, making it an unforgettable stop. The experience of watching the sunrise or sunset over the temple-strewn landscape is simply magical. Besides temple hopping, you can visit local villages and markets to experience the daily life of the Burmese people.
  • Bagan's Temple Plains: This archaeological wonder boasts over 2,000 Buddhist temples and pagodas. Witnessing sunrise or sunset here, with the silhouette of ancient structures against the sky, is truly mesmerizing.
  • Pyay: A smaller, less frequented port, Pyay offers a more authentic glimpse into rural Myanmar. The highlight here is Sri Ksetra, an ancient Pyu city and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The area's pagodas and archaeological sites provide a fascinating look into Myanmar's early history.
  • Mingun: Located a short distance from Mandalay, Mingun is famous for its massive unfinished pagoda and the Mingun Bell, considered one of the world's largest ringing bells. It's a quieter stop that offers a more relaxed atmosphere and stunning river views.
  • U Bein Bridge, Amarapura: The world's longest teakwood bridge, near Mandalay, is not only an architectural marvel but also provides stunning sunrise and sunset views, with local life bustling around it.
  • Shwezigon Pagoda, Nyaung-U: Near Bagan, this golden pagoda is one of Myanmar's most significant religious sites and is known for its impressive stupa.
  • Inwa (Ava) Ancient City: Once the capital of Burmese kingdoms, Inwa is filled with historic sites, including monasteries and pagodas, accessible by a short ferry ride and horse-cart tour.
  • Mingun Pahtodawgyi: This massive unfinished stupa near Mandalay would have been the world's largest. Nearby, the Mingun Bell is one of the largest ringing bells in the world.

Irrawaddy River Cruises Travel Tips

  • If you go to Myanmar, you will need to get a Visa. You can receive an e-Visa if you plan to enter the country via Yangon.
  • The local currency is the Kyat, and while US dollars are widely accepted, having local currency for smaller purchases and in rural areas is helpful.
  • Packing lightweight and breathable clothing is ideal due to the warm climate. However, it's important to dress modestly, especially when visiting temples and religious sites – this means covering shoulders and knees.
  • Don't forget to pack a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect against the tropical sun. Other essentials include comfortable walking shoes for excursions, insect repellent, a camera, a power adapter for charging devices, and a small daypack for off-ship adventures.

Irrawaddy River Cruises Things To Do

  • Mandalay

    The city of Mandalay sits next to the Irrawaddy River. The city lies over two tectonic plates, which meet beneath the city. The tectonic fault below Mandalay is called the Sagaing Fault. The fault is the meeting place for the Sunda and India tectonic plates. Because tectonic plates can trigger earthquakes, the city is at risk for a seismic event. A magnitude 7 earthquake took place in Mandalay in 1956. The quake damaged a large part of the city of Sagaing and therefore is known as the Great Sagaing Quake. 

    Best Time To Visit

    Mandalay experiences two seasons – a wet season and a dry season. The best time to see the city is from November to April, or the dry season. Rain is frequent from May through October. Beware of April. It is the hottest month. Temperatures can average in the high 80s on the Fahrenheit scale. 


    You Should Know

    The Yadanabon Zoological Garden is a small zoo in the city. It lies between the Mandalay Palace and Mandalay Hill. The Shwenandaw Monastery (Golden Palace Monastery) was built by King Thibaw Min in 1880, it is made of teak wood and displays carvings of Buddhist myths. Most of Mandalay Palace was destroyed in the Second World War. However, the Royal Mint and the palace's watchtower did not burn.

  • Mingun

    Located next to the Irrawaddy River northwest of Mandalay, Mingun is a small town in the center of Myanmar. It is known as the home for a number of interesting landmarks, such as the Mingun Pahtodawgyi, also known as the unfinished pagoda.


    You Should Know

    The Mingun Bell or the Giant Bell is cast in bronze as well as other metals, including silver and gold. Although the Unfinished Pagoda was not finished, it still is regarded as the highest pile of bricks in the world. Myatheintan Pagoda was built by King Bagyidaw in honor of his consort Queen Hsinbyume, who died during childbirth in 1812. An earthquake destroyed the pagoda in 1832, but the structure was restored by King Mindon in 1874. Around 100,000 emeralds were used during the original building of the pagoda.

  • Ava

    Inwa or Ava, located in Myanmar, is known for its religious ruins and structures – buildings that existed during the 1300s to 1800s, during several reigns as the Burmese capital. One of the primary structures is the Bagaya Kyaung, a teak monastery built during the 19th century.

    Best Time To Visit

    Schedule a visit to Ava during the dry season in Myanmar, which runs from November through April. Temperatures are cooler during the start of the season.


    You Should Know

    Maha Aungmye Bonzan Monastery dates back to the 19th century. Bats seem to like the monastery's crypt area. Ava has been ravaged by both natural disasters and war. and therefore has been rebuilt several times. Ava was a dominant kingdom in upper Burma (now Myanmar) from 1364, when it was founded, until 1555.

  • Bagan

    Bagan is one of the most popular attractions in Myanmar. Known as a temple town, Bagan's archaeological zone occupies a 26 square-mile area. The Irrawaddy River drifts along the town's north and west sides. The overgrown village does not feature a thriving nightlife. Instead, it is a place to explore ancient temples and architecture.

    Best Time To Visit

    Visit the site during the early part of the dry season when the temperatures are not as warm. Plan a trip for November or December


    You Should Know

    The Shwezigon Pagoda is famous for its gold-leaf décor. The city is known by the name, "Sea of Temples." At least 2,200 temples and pagodas stand in Bagan, but it is believed around 10,000 temples and pagodas once existed – all honoring Buddha. Because of its stable climate, the sun shines more in Bagan than any other Myanmar city.

  • Nyaung Shwe
    Nyaung Shwe

    Serving as the gateway to Inle Lake, Nyaung Shwe has a backpacker and hiker type of feel. Its main street, Yone Gyi Road. features an array of budget restaurants, Internet cafes, shops, and stupas. If you are looking for a peaceful escape, you will find what you are seeking when you enter Nyaung Shwe.

    Best Time To Visit

    Set your sights to visit Nyaung Shwe during the cooler part of the dry season, or from November to December. 


    You Should Know

    The largest pagoda in Nyaung Shwe is Yadana Manaung Pagoda, which is located on Paung Daw Seiq Road, which lies parallel to the main thoroughfare of Yone Gyi Road. Visit the Mingalar Market for local foods and produce from the nearby lake. The market also features handicrafts.

  • Kalaw

    Kalaw allows you to see Myanmar village life up-close and permits you to immerse yourself in Myanmar culture. Some of Kalaw's well-visited sites include the Myoma Market and the Thein Taung Monastery. Another must-see site is the Hnee Pagoda with its large gold Buddha.

    Best Time To Visit

    Mark your calendar for November or December at the beginning of the country's dry season.


    You Should Know

    The Kalaw Myoma Market is a good spot to enjoy shan noodles. You can also find gingers or tea leaves at the site. The best time to go to the Hnee Pagoda is when it opens at 8:00 am. You will beat the crowds, and it will be quieter.

  • Inle Lake
    Inle Lake

    Inle Lake is one destination that allows you to take in both the culture and natural scenery of Myanmar. The watery spot is the ideal venue for cycling and exploring. Intha fisherman row their canoes with one leg and gardens float over the quiet waves. Wooden stilt houses, at the lake, perch above the water, somewhat like a crane or similar water bird.

    Best Time To Visit

    Plan to see Inle Lake during the dry and cooler time of the year, preferably November. 


    You Should Know

    You can take a dip in the Khaung Daing hot springs, where water is directed into various swimming pools. A dip in one of the private pools costs US$10.The village of Khaung Daing is known for its shan tofu, made with split yellow-colored pea flower. Thin wafers of tofu are set out in the sun to dry. Tofu thoke (or tofu salad) can be eaten in the village if you are hungry.

  • Yangon

    Besides Bagan, Yangon is another popular tourist attraction in Myanmar. Originally, a fishing village named Dagon, Yangon was the capital of Myanmar from 1948 to 2005. After 2005, Naypyidaw became the capital. Nevertheless, Yangon is considered the largest city in the country. People refer to Yangon as the "city of Golden Pagodas," with the biggest pagoda being the Shwedagon Pagoda.

    Best Time To Visit

    Keep your calendar open for November, or the dry season, if you plan to visit Yangon.


    You Should Know

    High-rise buildings in the city do not feature elevators. Instead, people who live in the buildings, hang out baskets tied to ropes so they can pull up items, such as food, to where they live. Men and women both wear a sheet of long fabric called a lonyi. While it looks like an ankle-length skirt, a longyi is a piece of material that ties around the waist.

Irrawaddy River Cruise Packages

  • Getting There

    Starting your journey on an Irrawaddy River cruise is an adventure in itself. The Irrawaddy River, flowing through Myanmar, is accessible from major cities like Yangon and Mandalay. If you're flying in, Yangon International Airport is the primary gateway for international travelers. From Yangon, you can easily connect to Mandalay, the usual starting point for many Irrawaddy cruises, either by a short domestic flight or by road.

    Cruise ships typically access the river from Mandalay's ports, which are well-equipped to welcome travelers. These ports serve as the ideal launch points for your river cruise, offering a smooth transition from bustling city life to the serene journey ahead on Myanmar's most significant waterway. The ease of access to these ports makes beginning your Irrawaddy River adventure both convenient and exciting.

  • The Perfect Time for an Irrawaddy River Cruise

    Opting for the right time for an Irrawaddy River cruise in Myanmar (Burma) significantly influences the comfort and enjoyment of your journey. Myanmar's climate is categorized into three distinct seasons, each affecting river cruising experiences differently.

    The cool season, spanning from November to February, is the most favorable time for an Irrawaddy River cruise. During these months, the weather is agreeably pleasant, characterized by lower humidity and moderate temperatures, typically around 20-25°C (68-77°F). This period is ideal for cruising, as the comfortable weather conditions enhance the experience of exploring Myanmar's rich cultural and scenic landscapes. However, it's worth noting that this is also the peak tourist season. Consequently, while the weather conditions are optimal, be prepared to encounter more fellow travelers during your river cruise.

    The hot season, which extends from March to May, brings significantly higher temperatures, often exceeding 30°C (86°F). River cruising during this time can be warmer, but the advantage is fewer tourists, resulting in more tranquil sightseeing opportunities.

    Conversely, the rainy season, lasting from June to October, is generally considered less suitable for river cruising. The heavy rains during this period can lead to high water levels on the Irrawaddy River, potentially affecting travel itineraries and cruising conditions.

    Overall, for those seeking a balance of comfortable weather and the full experience of Myanmar's rich heritage along the Irrawaddy River, the cool season presents the best option. This time offers the most conducive climate for enjoying the diverse offerings of an Irrawaddy River cruise, from stunning landscapes to ancient temples and vibrant local life.

  • Experience the Flavors of Irrawaddy on a River Cruise

    A journey along the Irrawaddy River offers not just stunning sights but also a taste of Myanmar's unique and flavorful cuisine. Burmese food is a delightful blend of various regional influences, characterized by its use of fresh ingredients, aromatic spices, and a balance of flavors.

    One of the highlights of Burmese cuisine is 'Mohinga,' a traditional fish soup served with rice noodles, often considered the national dish. It's a must-try for its rich and savory taste. 'Tea leaf salad' (Laphet Thoke), made with fermented tea leaves, nuts, and peas, is another popular dish, offering a unique blend of flavors and textures.

    'Danbauk,' a fragrant biryani rice dish, usually made with chicken or mutton, is a flavorful representation of Indian influence in Burmese cuisine. For a sweet treat, 'Shwe Yin Aye' - a dessert made with coconut milk, jelly, and sticky rice - is a delightful end to any meal.

    While on your cruise, you'll likely have opportunities to sample these dishes either onboard or during excursions. Some cruises offer cooking classes or demonstrations, giving you an insight into how these traditional dishes are prepared.

    Exploring local markets during port stops is also a great way to experience the variety of fresh produce and spices that are staples in Burmese cooking. Each meal on your Irrawaddy cruise is not just nourishment but an exploration of Myanmar's rich culinary heritage.

  • Immerse Yourself in Irrawaddy Culture

    A cruise along the Irrawaddy River is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culture and customs of Myanmar. The country's culture is deeply influenced by Buddhism, which is evident in the daily lives of its people and the numerous pagodas and monasteries that dot the landscape.

    Respect for elders and a strong sense of community are central to Burmese culture. You'll often see locals participating in communal activities, whether it's a religious ceremony or a village gathering. Traditional arts, including puppetry and dance, are also an integral part of their cultural heritage and are often performed during festivals.

    Speaking of festivals, Myanmar has several throughout the year, with the Thingyan Water Festival and the Thadingyut Festival of Lights being the most prominent. These festivals are vibrant, filled with music, dance, and traditional ceremonies, offering a glimpse into the joyful and spiritual side of Burmese life. Participating in or witnessing these cultural festivities can be a highlight of your Irrawaddy River cruise.

  • Why Book a River Cruise to Irrawaddy?

    Booking a river cruise to the Irrawaddy is an exceptional way to experience the unique beauty and culture of Myanmar. One of the major advantages of a river cruise is the unparalleled access it provides to remote and often overlooked destinations. Sailing along the Irrawaddy allows you to witness life along the riverbanks, where traditional customs and ways of living are still practiced, something that can be hard to access through conventional travel.

    Moreover, a river cruise offers a relaxing and convenient way to see a country. Instead of packing and unpacking at each new location or worrying about transport arrangements, you can comfortably settle into your cabin and enjoy the journey. Each day brings a new adventure and experience, all accessible from the comfort of your floating hotel.

    River cruises on the Irrawaddy also often include exclusive excursions and activities, such as visits to secluded temples, private cultural performances, and guided tours to local villages, providing a more in-depth experience of Myanmar.

    Additionally, these cruises offer excellent value for money, combining accommodation, transportation, and guided sightseeing in one package. This not only eases the hassle of trip planning but also ensures you get the most out of your travel budget.

    An Irrawaddy river cruise is more than just a trip; it's an immersive experience that offers a unique perspective of Myanmar, combining the comforts of modern travel with the thrill of adventure and cultural discovery.

  • Ready to Book Your Irrawaddy River Cruise?

    If you're looking for a journey that combines breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and a deep cultural immersion, then an Irrawaddy River cruise in Myanmar is your perfect choice. As you sail along this majestic river, each bend brings a new discovery - from ancient temples and bustling markets to serene villages and stunning sunsets.

    The Irrawaddy cruise offers a unique perspective of Myanmar, taking you to the heart of the country in a way that land travel can't match. You'll experience the warmth and hospitality of the Burmese people, taste the unique flavors of their cuisine, and witness cultural traditions that have been preserved for generations.

    Booking this cruise is your ticket to an adventure filled with wonder and discovery. It's more than just a trip; it's an opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime. Are you ready to embark on this unforgettable journey? The Irrawaddy awaits!

Irrawaddy River Cruises Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Are Irrawaddy River Cruises?

    Irrawaddy River cruises normally feature transport between Mandalay and Bagan. Some reach Yangon as well. It just depends on the length of travel. The Irrawaddy River makes it possible for you to stop at towns and villages and view pagodas and temples in various venues.

  • What’s Included on Irrawaddy River Cruises?

    On an Irrawaddy River cruise, you will get all your meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for free and can enjoy complimentary beverages on your trip. All-inclusive packages include Wi-Fi, deluxe cabins or staterooms, and balconies outside of cabins. Enjoy offshore guided excursions or relax on the ship's upper deck.

  • What’s the Best River Cruise of Irrawaddy River Cruises?

    The best Irrawaddy River cruise is one that meets your expectations with respect to luxury, convenience, and price. Concierges and local guides make it possible for you to truly experience an interesting and informative trip.

  • How Much Do Irrawaddy River Cruises Cost?

    A river cruise trip of 10 days runs around $3,200 per person. That price covers butler services, onboard Wi-Fi, free meals and beverages, and airport transfers.

Learn More About Irrawaddy Cruises

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    By Libby Brame, CTA, Cruise Groups Coordinator, Cruise Training Manager & Clendon DuRapau, Senior Travel Consultant, CTA Traveling to Myanmar, known as “The Golden Land,” we knew we were in for a treat. We were looking for something different because both of us are pretty well-traveled and love off the beaten path destinations. We wanted to…

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